Well hello again. This page is for the "friends" (use the term loosely) of the Headless Chicken. Those select few that are crazy enough to have anything to do with me.

So first on is the Headless Chicky. I didn't want to let her write anything but she said that if I didn't let her she would pinch my laptop and I wouldn't be able to do any more of the website EVER again. Now you see why I let her on.

Hi I’m the Headless Chicky, weird name I know. Just so you know I did not go looking for wasps on purpose it was an ACCIDENT hear that HC?

Yeah OK, OK. Keep your feathers on!

What, you’re expecting me to go BALD?! You need to go to the chicken doctor!

Speak for yourself! Anyway can you just get on and say whatever it was you were going to say.

I shall be watching this website very closely, HC so you’d better watch what you are saying about me. And if I don’t like it you’ll hear all about it….because I rule the world!! *evil laugh*

Right time’s up! Get off my laptop. No I said get off it! Cluck. Cluck. Peck.
Whew she’s gone. I told you she was evil-


Oh dear she’s giving me the killer look I’d better go.
Chicken out!